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The difference between birch and maple
Add time:2016-09-08 Browse the number: 818

  First, birch and maple morphological characteristics

  Birch trees and shrubs are classified in the bark is white, gray, yellow-white, red-brown, trees smooth. Under the birch leaves usually with glandular dots, margin biserrate, rarely single-toothed, veins pinnate, petiolate; stipules separated early fall.

  Maple divided according to the hardness of hard maple and soft maple. Strength soft maple hard maple lower than about 25%. So, hard maple soft maple expensive than the price, but also a dense wood, beautiful patterns, good gloss, and now often grainy bird's eye-shaped or back of the tiger-like pattern, is decorated with high-grade timber.

  Second, the geographic distribution of birch and maple

  Maple is widely distributed in China, it is China's textile spindles and shoe factory shoe special timber, due to the origin of the different materials also have some differences. Some maple material soft, loose structure, glossy dark.

  Birch mainly in the North Vancouver area, there are a few located in the Arctic region. Birch hardy, fast-growing, relatively immune to pests, for reforestation, erosion control, protective cover or for conservation of trees.

  Third, the birch and maple Varieties

  Birch common in swamps, there is no peeling, deep red bark, flocks grow, grow stem from a common root.

  Maple wood moderate hardness, dense wood, beautiful patterns, good gloss, and now often grainy bird's eye-shaped or back of the tiger-like pattern, is decorated with high-grade timber.

  Fourth, the use of birch and maple

  Maple is a good architectural decoration only, generally used for the production of high-end furniture for: veneer, wood-frame structure, lamps, tables, bins and turning products.

  Birch in easy decadent environment is very durable, usually used for special birch plywood, flooring, furniture, paper pulp, interior materials, travel equipment, plywood. The furniture wear smooth, clear pattern.

  Fifth, birch and maple of the advantages and disadvantages

  Birch Advantages: easy processing, smooth section, paint and glue a good performance; pliable bark beautiful. Disadvantages: does not decay, do not wear, easy to crack and warp after drying;

  Maple advantages: the material to do with maple floors, beautiful and varied texture, delicate, moderate hardness, toughness, good wood gives a fresh, clean feeling; disadvantage: light in color, to be very diligent care.

An article: Birch wood furniture pros and cons                 The next one: A simple comparison of the red and white birch
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