Red birch practical value
Add time:2016-09-08 Browse the number: 813
Red birch, produced in Yunnan, eastern Sichuan, western Hubei, Hebei, Henan, mountain, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai. Chang was born in 1000-3400 meters above sea level on the slopes weed, 1600-2700 meters above sea level on the slopes. Often mixed composition with Abies, Picea wilsonii and the like. Hi light, crown large, mostly oval. Hi moist air, natural regeneration is good, fewer pests and diseases, moderate growth rate. Wood hard, fine structure, beautiful patterns, but more brittle, can act with or plywood, the bark can be used as a hat or use packaging. Stem form is usually not bright Ye Hua is good, but the material better. Wood reddish or reddish brown, hard, fine woodworking, furniture, stock, aircraft propellers, chopping boards and other fine timber. An article: A simple comparison of the red and white birch
The next one: Red birch Profile