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The difference between white pine and Scotch Pine
Add time:2016-09-05 Browse the number: 806

  White pine, soft pine class. Material light, soft, flexible, uniform fine structure, good drying, water-resistant, corrosion-resistant. Advantage is that the processing, finishing, coloring cement good. Compared with pine, Bai Songjiang high. Grade building materials suitable as dry shrinking, good texture no inherent defect deformation more suitable for making furniture. White pine color is usually white cream. Cream with domestic species of similar red pine.

  Pinus sylvestris, Scots pine variants belonging to the class of hard pine. High hardness, easy to crack slightly wet material deformation, to curry favor with more wood than the flowers, better processing performance. Suitable construction materials furniture. The crude permeable structure so it can be used to make chemical drugs soaked wood preservative. Recycling rate for building materials is higher than white pine Pinus sylvestris.

An article: White pine furniture pros and cons                 The next one: Characteristics of white pine
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